2020 Bills Pending
Call your Assembly member and urge them to SUPPORT:
AB 860 Vote by Mail
Requires county elections officials to mail a ballot to every registered voter for the November 2020 election and ensure more uniform access to vote by mail across the state.
AB 3216 Paid Sick Leave
Expands paid sick leave and job-protected family leave benefits so that nearly all California workers can take leave to care for themselves and their families without losing their jobs.
Permits all California workers, regardless of employer size, to take job-protected leave to care for themselves, a new baby, sick family members, or family member home because of school closure.
The right of recall and worker retention provision guarantees jobs to laid off workers once their jobs become available.
AB 2054 CRISIS Act
The CRISIS Act pilot grant program will promote community-based response to emergencies including public health crisis, unhoused people in crisis, mental health crisis, intimate partner of community violence, substance use disorders, and natural or climate disasters.
Investing in organizations rooted in the community improves resiliency, relationships and connection especially critical during our current public health crisis.
Call your Assembly member and urge them to OPPOSE:
AB 2261 Facial Recognition
Imposes very weak restrictions on the use of facial recognition technology.
Authorizes the use of facial recognition to deny services.
Gives government unprecedented power to identify, locate and track people using facial recognition.
Assemblymember Jim Wood (707) 576-2526
Assemblymember Marc Levine (707) 576-2631
Call your Senator and urge them to SUPPORT ACA6 Restore the Right to Vote for People on Parole
ACA6 will restore the right to vote for people on parole in California by placing an initiative on the ballot to amend the California Constitution.
Senator Mike McGuire: (707) 576-2771
Senator Bill Dodd (707) 576-2093
Links to relevant websites and documents:
Bills Passed in 2019
“This year the ACLU helped pass groundbreaking state bills to strengthen and protect the fundamental rights and civil liberties of all California. We couldn’t have done this without your support!”
Abdi Soltani
Executive Director ACLU of Northern California
· Police Use of Force (AB 392): Establishes one of the strongest police use of force laws in the country by requiring that officers use deadly force only when absolutely necessary to protect themselves or others from immediate harm.
· Election Day Registration (SB72): Ensures every eligible voter can cast a ballot on Election Day by allowing Californians to register to vote at all polling places in the state.
· Abortion Access on Public University Campuses (SB24): Makes California the first state to make medication abortion available at all public university student health centers.
· Copays for Healthcare in Jails and Prisons (AB45): Abolishes medical and dental copays, which pose harmful barriers to healthcare access, in California prisons and county jails. California will be the first state to eliminate copays in county jails.
· Facial Recognition & Police Body Cams (AB1215): Prevents police body cams from being exploited for mass surveillance of the public by prohibiting law endorsement agencies from using facial recognition and other biometric tracking technology in connection with body cams through 2022.
· 1-Yr Sentence Enhancement (SB136): Fights mass incarceration by dismantling a cruel, costly, and ineffective sentence enhancement that adds an extra year to an individual’s base sentence for each prior prison or felony jail term they already served.
Learn more: https://www.aclunc.org/our-work/legislation
If you have any questions about these issues or would like to assist the Sonoma County ACLU Chapter’s activities in this area, please contact us at info@sonomaaclu.org
Page last updated: May 30, 2020