The ACLU fights to make sure that the rights and liberties guaranteed by our constitution apply to all immigrants, regardless of immigration status. We challenge the serious civil rights violations faced by immigrant communities.
For ACLU Northern California Immigrants’ rights information check the following website:
The following organizations are other local groups supporting immigrant rights:
North Bay Organizing Project
The North Bay Organizing Project (NBOP) is a grass roots, multi-racial, and multi-issue organization comprised of over twenty-two faith, environmental, labor, student and community-based organizations in Sonoma County. NBOP seeks to build a regional power organization rooted in working class and minority communities in the North Bay
Rapid Response Network — North Bay Organizing Project
Rapid Response Network - Who We Are - The Rapid Response Network provides a way for people to respond to fear and anxiety in our community as a result of the increase in immigration enforcement, ICE raids and other attacks against our communities.
Mission: To bridge the racial and economic divide in Northern Sonoma County offering programs to improve health and wellbeing for all who live and work in our area through innovative partnerships and community driven programming. Working with youth and their families, Corazon aims to break cycles of poverty and improve quality of life for those we serve.
Comite VIDA – Volunteer Immigrant Defense Action - Defends the human and civil rights of immigrants
If you would like any more information on the above-mentioned topics, or would like to participate, as an ACLU member, please contact us at
Page last updated: May 30, 2020